Friday, May 8, 2015

Victory is patiently waiting

Day by day, efforts made to reach a goal is the only way to achieve victory. It's comforting to know that victory is just waiting for us. 

Even if a couple of bad days had pass, and a couple more. Destination will still be the same. Because everyone will get what they deserve. 

Yes, worries are inevitable. Because somethings are wanted badly and we can't wait. Trust that you'll get there is one of the few mindset that is easily overlooked. 

Reasons why you're not there yet or you won't reach your desires must always be in our minds too. Successful people know that. 

That's why most of them are risk takers. Because they know patience and acceptance. 

They know when the time is right and the alternative results of their actions. They see defeats as lessons instead of road blocks. 

If you're aspiring to be victorious, go out and win small battles everyday. Battles that you know are needed to be won before you reach the ultimate price. 

Those defeats and wins will make you ready for the big one. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Remembering Heroes: A Tribute to The Selfless

Heroes are remembered, loved and provide a sense of comfort. 

I got your back. 

History of heroes are inspiring as they (mostly) came from zero beginnings. Nobody notice them until they have done something amazing. 

They battle their way to be victorious for the common good. Putting their personal interest at the bottom of their list. 

Sacrificing what they long for. 

In exchange to save others. 

Even for a complete stranger. 

Looking back 

Back then, heroes were celebrated after victories. They were remembered as the one who saved the day. 

Object of appreciation such as medals, clothing, even monetary equivalent were provided. 

Surprisingly, they had no expectations of such gesture. 

They simply knew the need to step up, use all their power, and make sure after every struggle there is harmony for EVERYONE. 

They just have this 'I have to do something about it' attitude. And they are really hardcore about it. 

"Hard times don't create heroes. It is during the hard times when the hero within us is revealed." - Bob Riley

How about now?

Now, during our 'civilized' age, it's uncommon to be a hero. 

You get laugh at. 
Be criticized. 
No support. 

And worst, left unappreciated. 

That's the society we live in. We don't feel any threat and we don't need anyone helping us. 

Stubborn people. 😀

Well, a few things happened that's why. The war ended about 70 years ago. Countries learned to get along. People became independent. And we got a sense of comfort knowing that being alone is better than to work with others.

We got our own backbone. 

We became our own heroes. 

Moving forward 

Hopefully, peace will be consistent. Laws are abided. And common respect will be a day to day thing. 

Heroes today live within us. Those are the 'stop' behaviors before misbehaving. 

And a sense of guilt if we can't help (or won't) others in need. 

We became self protecting that we won't be needing a hero to help us. 

We don't want to feel helpless and miserable. 

We fought little battles within that avoids bigger ones.  

Luckily, that seems to keep a harmony for now. 

Additional Reading and Resources:

New York Post: The Amazing Moment Mystery Hero Pulls Crash Victim from Canyon Wreck:

Wikipedia: Hero

Throwback Thursday: Remembering ‘Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back’ 35 years later

Artwork by Will Murai

Hero of Iroas

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Lift The Heaviness: Personal Thoughts About Over Doing

Along the way, as we get things optimized, we are left with a lot of things in our mind. We feel a certain heaviness because of our tendency to overthink. 

Most things that we do (including thinking) must be moderate. 

Over analyze. 
Burned out. 
Over fatigue. 
Over slept. 

All that we do 'over' creates a big bowl of demand that 24 hours is not enough. 

Mortality is true and we do need to think of the past, present and future. 

Just don't overload. 

Try to notice for the sake of unloading worries. How many times have you thought about a problem (no matter how small or big)?

I bet you might have done it more than 3 times. 

And let me be silly for a second that you might have Googled the answered amd read an article or two. 

And to add up to my craziness, you might have had the answer inside all along. 

I'm one of those guys who is a professional procrastinator. 

It has roots from the environment I have grown up from, places I have been, books I have read and so on. 

Name the influence and the product is our own behavior. 

A couple of weeks ago, an elder from our family half joked someone that cooking a meal is just common sense. 

I know that he was joking but from the tone and timing, he must have conveying a deeper meaning. 

Yup, common sense these days aren't as common as it was. 


Because of all the sources of 'answers'. The fear that what we know already must be wrong. 

Our undying anxiety that we are not good enough. 

That if we can't do something or we don't know something becomes a handicap. 

I am a victim of that. 

When I'm already good enough I still worry. 

Then how the heck you lift the heaviness?

It's gonna be down to the basics. To learn the common sense is really and should be common. 

Tell yourself everyday that you're good enough!

Be the first person to love yourself. 

It has to start somewhere and that place should be inside your soul and heart. 

Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation. - unknown source. 

Additional reading and sources:

Our Daily Bread: Don't Worry!

The Art of Manliness: Stop Hacking Your Life

Artwork by violator3: An Unpleasant Sense of Heaviness

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The flexibility of human foundation

As time goes by, most buildings will suffer wear and tear. It's a universal law and not even the strongest is exempted. 

It applies to us too. Well things like that won't cross your mind for the next 30 or 40 years from now. 

But it's not a bad thing to just have a mental note. 

When you look back to make sense of what you have become it will reveal that there are key foundations that you're not aware about.

Maybe because you just got used to it. 

It also answers the question why history is so important. 

Even if we know that in reality that we all have mortalities, it's also true that we can look back and make amends. 

Just a single seed of urge to change to avoid the same outcome will have a huge impact. 

It won't happen overnight. 

Foundations are meant to be the strongest part of a standing structure. 

Good thing for us, we can rebuild it any time. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

What you need: the battle between needs and wants

I have to admit, most of the time that I think about my future, i end up re-writing my goals. 

I want to have this...

I need to have that...

That's a better idea...

I need to stop this...

Just a few thoughts to challenge what is ahead. Well it's good to innovate ideas, but it needs to have a good reason. 

The battle between needs and wants will remain constant. You just need to choose your side. 

What is so stressing about choosing the need is that it takes too long to achieve. That's where the virtue of patience is truly tested. 

What's good about the wants is that it is easy to get. The rewarding feeling is instant. And you can easily touch and see it. 

That's the battle. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Why reading is cool

Since me and my wife moved to a different location, I have a lot of time reading. I don't read books because it bores me. 

I stick with current events, short articles and the daily bread. 

I find it easier to learn with short reading materials because it has a straight forward approach. 

Hopefully I can get back to an old fashion big book reading. 

The reasons why reading is cool are:

It kills time in a productive way. Let's face it, there will be times that you'll find yourself waiting and can't figure out what to do. 

Good thing these days, reading a worthwhile article doesn't have to as hard like before where you carry a magazine or go to a nearby shop just to pick one. 

What I do is I get a chunk monthly subscription of data for my smart phone. 

Expensive as it sound but if you'll compute, you'll end up saving more. 

For me, my favorite site to read are:
Men's health
Yahoo Digest
Google news
Mit ocw

*note: I'm not affiliated with the above sites. 

(I wish... 😊)

All your doubts will be answered. 

Have a question like? "How to invest?", "where to spend holidays?, etc. 

Eventually, you'll have an 'aha!' Moment. 

Hopefully this change your reading habit, you might find that reading can, not only save you money but you might find ways of making some. 😎

Pain is temporary

No one likes pain. 

It's in our survival instinct to avoid situations that will endanger our existance. 

Yet most of the achievements in life can't be achieved through easy way.

You'll notice that all successful people have their story of hardship. 

Be willing to trade temporary pain for a lifetime moment. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Let Your Light Shine

It's common to feel shy especially when you are in a crowd of unfamiliar people. Mixed feelings occurs. 

"Should I do this or that..."

Many years ago I was assigned to be a script writer. Honestly, I didn't know where to start. Back then, internet wasn't available so I have to rely with books, recommendation and pure confidence. 

It wasn't easy because the words will be the key to the success of the play. 

And it's not just an ordinary one. 

It was Romeo & Juliet. 

That was a turning point for me. And never knew I had it. Yet I did. 

Friends, the light within is one of the magical powers that needs to be out. 

It can bring confidence, especially if it is for a cause. 

Be shy. 

But don't let that stop you. 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Challenging oneself

As we get along with so many things to do, it feels good to have a sense of control over our lives. 

Schedule runs smoothly. 

Finances are checked. 

Surrounded by good people. 

An so on. 

Then came boredom. 

It's perfectly fine to feel bored when you know that you shouldn't. It's in our nature to feel unchallenged. 

It's like being a champion. You always feel the need to have a challenger. 

For me, its simple. 

I think the best approach is to first accept the fact that when you consistently do the same effective routine with positve results then celebrate as if you have won the next thing. 

Be patient and ready to meet any challenge that you will face. 

After all, life is an everyday battle. 😉

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Great Things Starts from Imagination

 When I was a kid, I always fantasize being a hero. Fighting bad guys. Coming through tough situations. Losing. Winning in the name of justice. 

Fast forward. 

Along the way that imaginative behavior slowly fade. 

It is quite common because as we get old, reality weigh more than fantasy. 

Yet if you look back to our history books, most or maybe all successful men & women started their plans from imaginations. 

No one ever thought that a person with an early speech delay could have conceived the relatively theory. 

A businessman who have been turned down by a local drug store is now a multi billionaire, owning a huge chain of malls. 

A simple housewife became a national leader. 

All because of a single behavior that we share. 


Impossibilities became possibilities. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Art of Slowness

Do you ever have that feeling of constantly repeating when you hurry up?

I do. 

It happens when I had too many cups of coffee. 

A lot of things race on my mind, instead of being focused. 

End up repeating things unnecessarily. 

Who can blame a person who is excited to get things done. 

Well, a little art of slowness is all we need. 

Viewed as a procrastinating behavior, slowness has been demonized by many as an act of counter cooperation. 

As if you're not doing it with enthusiasm. 

Time has changed our perspective of time itself. 

We want it fast, hot, and now. 


But we're not computers. 

We think we can but we're not. 

We have emotions, and we need to take care of it. Like no has cooked an exceptional meal within seconds. 

Art can't be rush. 

Easy way

A lot of new great things happened to me and my wife lately that sometimes I can't thank enough. 

Some of the things that we have wished for are now happening. 

It is not perfect. 

It's worth the wait. 

When you plan important things in your life, no matter how big or small, what pushes you matters more than the goal. 

It's the undying resiliency. 

I have to admit that I have waited, for a long time to achieve great things. 

There more times that I give up rather than carry on. 

It's because I want the easy way. 


Not knowing that shortcuts are dangerous. 

It gives immediate gratification yet at the has a great deal of suffering at the end. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Name, Not Fame

Are you willing to put your name to shame for fame?

It has been done over and over throughout history that both men and women chose fame. 

Who can blame them? It feels good, to be RICH and famous. 

You have friends. Family loves you. You're the go to guy. Literally, attention is centered to you. 

I have to admit that I myself wish to have everything. Because I have my reasons. 

Convenience. Security. Most of all, to provide. 

Yet, at what cost?

An example, the late President Marcos, who had everything. 

Power. Respect. Fame. 

But now he is being rembered as the most hated dictator. 

Are you willing  to trade your name for shame?